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Has your love for one another withstood the test of time,
Has your love for God become a memory you’ve left behind,
Has the ugliness that you’ve seen in life,
Taken with it your prayers for tomorrow,
Have your hopes and dreams died away,
With that of heartache and sorrow,
Lift your eyes to the one who will heal you today,
Have a love that withstands the test of time,
You can believe that goodness survives,
Have arms around you that are strong,
Have a shoulder on which to cry upon,
God’s love for you has no end,
You have the chance to once again,
Know that he forgives and loves you so much,
All you have to do is lift your sad eyes,
To the one in which time cannot touch,
Leave yesterday behind its length did not stand fast,
Today's the day for you to see that truly God’s love outlasts

Love, mona