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When you hear the angels sing,
You are receiving my vast intercede,
When the sky shines colors of the rainbow,
It is my gift for your SOULS to see,

When the moon is full and stars are bright,
Its beauty is from me,
I am showing you, my precious loves,
The fullness of your lives,

When animals trust your gentleness,
They do not fear the part of you,
That is of Jesus Christ,
Thy Peaceful shepherd of love and truth,
Is making changes for his bride,

Every single man and beast,
Are witnessing his coming,
When you hear the angels sing,
Your hearts don't wonder why,
They prepare the arrival of your King,
And to the flesh they die,

You are receiving my vast intercede,
A tender longing for Jesus Christ

written by mona



Beautiful midi playing "As time goes by" By Bruce Deboer.