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Rise Above And Beyond

When we love our earthly ties,
When it seems too much that we are hurt inside,
When we perceive that we are all alone,
When we live in pain’s shadow,
The enemy will have you believe all this,
He doesn’t want you to feel God’s calm bliss,
Because he knows the end is near,
Because he knows of his own demise,
He hates those that God holds so dear,
He tries to keep us filled with his fear and hate,
Distracting us so its not Christ’s voice we hear,
So Christ’s gentle grace we will not emanate,

The time has come for truth and love,
He hates all God’s creations that will rise above,
Above and beyond anything he will ever know,
The earth bears Christ's light
And destroys satan’s shadow,

We must see beyond the dark and stand with Christ,
We must remember at all times,
Not to believe satan’s hurtful lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To turn to the one who will remove the pain,
That no matter what, God’s will for us is of love,
For God is the Victor and we will rise above,