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When nothing seems to go as you plan,
Worry surmounts any faith you may have had,
When your thoughts and your soul do not align,
Your prayers seem weak but only in your mind.
When you are restrained by financial devastation,
Take strength in one love, your heart knows the way,
Don’t get lost in the moment for God’s love never changed,
When you are elated with life and troubles are few,
When others take notice and wish they were you,
Pride surmounts any faith you may have had,
When you believe it was yours not God’s Holy plan,
When your thoughts and your soul do not align,
Your prayers seem weak but only in your mind.
When finances are abundant and there is nothing but gain,
Take strength in one love, your heart knows the way,
Don’t get lost in the moment for God’s love never changed

Copyright Mona Collins 8-13-08