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Precious You Are
artwork by Greg Olsen

divider What we believe God feels about us,
Is what will illuminate our spiritual love and trust,
If we believe God is angry, vengeful and mad,
We wont rely on the beauty of God’s loving plan,

We wont see the intricate weaving of God’s tapestry,
You wont know that he offers his love unconditionally, divider
When we believe in his forgiveness and all powering love,
Nothing can sway a child of Christ christened from above,
As angels on earth they know God’s love is immense,
His wisdom and fullness His truth and tenderness, divider
He cares enough to reveal himself to you,
He dearly wants you to know this precious truth,
If you ask him for proof he will do whatever it takes,
To show your heart his magnificent love awaits, divider
He sees us not as sinners for Jesus has washed us clean,
For in his sight we are beautiful children, In his sight we sparkle,
In his sight we are precious, In his sight we gleam,
What we believe God feels about us,
Is what will illuminate our spiritual love and trust, divider
What do you believe God feels about you?
Open your heart and let him show his love in truth.
Let him show you how precious you are.
Allow him to tell you, you are his shinning star.
Let him show you, that HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH !!!
Believe beyond all doubt that you where born to feel his touch.

Love, Mona

Artwork courtesy of Christ-Centered Art

Graphics by A Christian Witness