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You can not change the past,
Can not revisit mistakes or make them go away,
Please allow me to continue with my plan,
The beauty of which you may not yet understand,
You can dry your tears upon my flesh with faith,
Remember what I have blessed you with already,
Wait patiently, confident that your pain won’t last,
You can take refuge beneath my wing and sleep,
While I take care of fate, the future and the past

I have already seen,have already been shown,
The healing powers of God’s way,
Yet there are times when I am re-living a sorrow,
I get all caught up in yesterday and tomorrow,
In anguish I foolishly forget all the beauty, of today,
Yet the Lord keeps saying,
“You can not change this child, please allow me,”
Over and over releasing me from the enemy,
From being so afraid, from feeling so weak,
There are no limits to his power, to his love, his authority

I have already seen,have already been shown,
How darkness can overwhelm when driven by shadows,
How lost we feel when we don’t reach for God’s hand,
How everything left incomplete becomes complete,
In the beauty of God’s loving plan,

Whatever tomorrow brings,
I lay to rest within your care sweet Lord,
I have not one single thing,
My past, my present, my future are yours,
Yes Lord Yes please change what I have done,
Bring glory down like rain and healing rays,
Straight from your Son,

I lay my sadness at your feet,
And nail my worries upon your cross,
I tuck my face beneath your wing,
I place my burdens upon your shoulders,
I hear your whisper ever so tenderly,
“You can not change this child, please allow me,”

written with love by Mona