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Little precious one I am here,
To share in your joy and wipe away your tears,
To take you on a journey like you have never dreamed,
For I am your Savior and your Holy King,
Do not be afraid at what your future holds,
I have layed before you streets paved in gold,
Trust in my words for I know not how to lie,
I am right beside you when you laugh and cry ,
I kiss you in tenderness, which wells from my soul,
My little precious one how I love you so,
Look around at the beauty and not just the pain,
Look to the heavens for the angels sing my name,
Close your eyes if you must and feel us joined at heart,
Feel me as I hold you near for I will never part,
Know me as I move through you, recieve my love and truth,
The spirit of the Lord your God will not abandon you,

Little precious one I am here,
To share in your joy and wipe away your tears,
To take you on a journey like you have never dreamed,
For I am your Savior and your Holy King,

written by mona

Beautiful midi playing "Who we Are" by Bruce Deboer