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~ Intercessory Love ~

James 5:16 “ Pray for one another”

When we pray for one another,
When we go to God with love for our brother,
It is the sweetest prayer God ever hears,
The prayers of Christ are of this character,
When our hearts hold love for someone else,
When we try to help others and not just ourselves,
These special prayers God holds so dear,

Blessed are those that resemble Jesus Christ,
We know little of what we owe to the Savior’s sacrifice,
He prays and intercedes for us day and night,
Pleading our case to the King for all that’s Holy and right,

When we love our brother and pray for God’s touch,
It is intercessory prayer that God loves so much,
The sweetest oblation we can offer to God,
Is a call to the heavens with intercessory love,

God promises, “ Ask, and I will give thee what thou wilt”
Pray for the many, whom need God’s help,
Intercessory prayer is the sweetest God ever hears,
These special prayers God holds so dear.

written by mona


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