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Thank You Lord God for I am humble
In your name,
The fruit of your vine,
I owe you everything,
I am in debt for I have borrowed,
The bountiful beauty of my life,
My soul soars to heaven here on earth,
Which are yours, magnificently divine,
You tend to many gardens,
I walk humbly at your side,
You are my loving king,
The fruit of your vine,
I owe you everything,
With you I am your child,
Tender, sweet and mild,
The soil beneath my hand,
Is not hindered by thorn or stone,
Good fruit takes root upon your land,
Your vine does flourish and grow,
I am humbled by your mercy Lord,
Fresh streams of life washed over me,
Without which my soul does die,
Thank You Jesus for your sacrifice,
I am humbled in your name,
Thank You God for everything,
I soar upon Your wing.

written by mona

Beautiful midi playing "morning" by Yani.