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To you my faithful God of hope
Into my heart, your seeds I sow
Never once have you failed to be
Everything that you said you'd be
So no doubt reigns when I've come to ask
For you to make sense of my troubled past
In your presence all things come clear
The very reason you've placed me here
My child's eyes bring tears to mine
Such a clear revelation, this gift of mine
To pass through all that has knocked me down
To clear the cobwebs my eyes had found
Beauty expressed in the world you give
Why do we fight what we need to live
My God, My Lord what is this picture you paint
Of this desire of mine to be thy Saint?
Could it be that my troubled past
Was just watering a seed on a concrete path?
The heartbreak and tears life's painful presents
All go away in your Holy Presence


Glass Walls copyright © 2000 Bruce DeBoer
and used with permission of the composer