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It seems like yesterday that I was still a child,
Every step I took seemed as if a mile,
Strolling down a path that seemed would never end,
The concept of this race belied each twist and bend,

I’ve walked on coals and thorns to see,
What God Almighty desires from me,
He has shown me his ultimate love and desire,
To win this race with eternal fire,
I ask no more questions about its destiny,
This life is short this quest we seek,
Takes us to the light our Lord Jesus’ mercy,
With his own two hands God takes this seriously,

My feet are on fire now lighting my way,
As God leads me home with Jesus’ saving grace,
Our lives here on earth are to ready us nothing more,
For Gods ultimate kingdom beyond his golden doors,

Our bodies are but ash turning to dust in the wind,
Our souls are forever his in praise throughout eternity,
The race already finished no beginning and no end,
My eternal fire blazing forever in harmony and peace,
This is our Father’s truest wish and what he wants shall be

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