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Delivered unto the hands of your God above,
For all shall be mine with hearts full of love,
I have reached into the center,
Crossed over dividing lines,
For all who choose to enter,
Shall forever be mine,
I embrace those not sure,
With those whose spirit is strong,
For those whose quest searches,
To me you shall belong,
For out of the darkness of hidden beliefs,
Is birthed a new light of spiritual release,
Delivered unto the hands of your God above,
I reclaim the authority, creating kingdoms of love,
Inner light changes while humming heavens song,
Brilliance illuminated while angels sing along,
Cleansing is in layers replacing shades that lack,
Revealing true beauty that never changes back,
Delivered unto the hands of your God above,
For all shall be mine with hearts full of love

written by mona

Beautiful midi playing "Love so true" By Bruce Deboer.