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Whoever wants to be great
Must become a servant.” Mark 10:43 (Msg)

You can tell what they are by
what they do" Matthew 7:16 (CEV)

Oh Holy Savior and Lord,
You are the rainbow in which I can depend,
Shinning bacons of love from God above,
Through, until the end of passing storms,
You are the bravest of all heroes,
Your gentleness takes my breath away,
You are the one that shrouds me in hope,
Tucks me deeply within your yoke,
And keeps me safe within your warm embrace,
You are my fearless knight,
The battler for all that’s tender and right,
The Chancellor of freedom for all to be saved,
Our warrior of love in Gods Holy name,
You are the beginning and end of all to come,
Jesus you are the worlds prayers, the written word,
And ALMIGHTY Gods Son,
I bow down my head and drop to my knees,
I lift up my arms your spirit sent to me,
I live by your will so others may see,
I worship you Holy Savior and Lord,
I am your humble servant and want nothing more

written by mona

Beautiful midi playing "Swept" by Yani