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My testimony is never ending.
The Love God shows us is so wonderful that once we have it,
we just HAVE to share it with others.
It is so abundant that we are over flowing.
I have had a long journey and the path I choose to follow
was made possible only by Jesus Christ.
Without him by my side I am not able to live.
I have tried to survive without him
and found myself in a pit so deep I prayed for death.
Yet instead of death he gave me life.
I was abused in every way from a very early age,
yet God saw to it that I was protected.
My heart has remained soft and my mind has remained sane.
That alone is a miracle in itself only possible because
God chose it and made it so.
I have made so many mistakes and have caused
OUR LOVING FATHER many many tears,
Yet he continually forgives me and lifts me with his awesome love.
I could write a book with all of the signs, wonders
and miracles God has blessed me with.
I call them KISSES.
He never gave up on me. He will never give up on you.
If you take a moment and think about it...
You will see the many times in your life
He has given you kisses to.
I have listed some of the most beautiful testimonies
I have ever read, Yet there are thousands more
from all around the world.
If you are a non-believer yet searching for something
that your heart does not understand,
PLEASE read these testimonies.
These people are not any different then you and I.
They too at one time felt what we have felt,
loneliness, sorrow, depression, anger and everything in
We are all connected as brothers and sisters,
we are FORGIVEN.
We share in the sufferings of Christ so that we can share
in the comfort that comes from Christ as well.
Are you suffering right now?
Ask God, for "HELP" for "COMFORT"

Our pain and suffering can have purpose.
The unique set of circumstances that set you up
for this are such that they will qualify you
to help someone else in a similar situation.
So if that someone should say to you,
"You can't possibly know what I'm going through,"
you will be able to say, Let me tell you my story
and show you how God met me."
It keeps circling around like that.

Read what he has done for others
and know that he offers you the very same.

Healed Of Past Sexual Abuse

Two Delivered

Hello,My Name Is Stacy

Child Of Athiest

Its Never To Late
